Jun 28, 2007

Getting the most from U3 Software Central

Have you downloaded more applications for your U3 smart drive yet? I could hardly wait to get my drive out of the wrapper to start adding software (and it took me long enough to get into the packaging!). Before I got my first smart drive, I used to look at the software through the U3 website, at U3 Software Central (U3SC). I had heard the U3 E-commerce manager, Renee, talk about the online store and point out the benefits of accessing U3SC through the Launchpad and was curious to find out why.

Renee said a direct Launchpad install offers you a one-step download onto your U3 drive. With a PC download, you need to download the app to your hard drive, then open the Launchpad and then open/install the application on the drive - OK, not rocket science, but more time, effort and opportunity to mess up. Plus, you’re missing out on the whole benefit of U3 technology that enables you to bypass the hard drive! Renee summarized that “a direct Launchpad install is a more seamless integration of the technology allowing you to easily get to what you need and download”.

Personally, I found the direct download really easy - I clicked on the app I wanted then went and did chores for a few minutes while my applications were installed onto my smart drive (I do like to multitask). I could then enjoy the fun bit of getting a new toy - personalizing and playing with it!

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